Suzy Q
AKA: Suzy Monster and Mo Mo
Age: 8 1/2
Breed: English Pointer
Strengths: Jumping like a kangaroo...and pointing of course!
Weaknesses: I'm scared of people until I get to know you! Until then, hear my bark!
Thoroughly Enjoys: I really enjoy a good vacuuming!
AKA: Twinkle Toes and Squeaks
Breed: Pointer/Beagle Mix
Age: 5 1/2
Strengths: I'm lightening fast!
Weaknesses: I jump onto everyone and anything!
Thoroughly Enjoys: Chasing ducks, geese and rabbits!
The girls are getting ready for their transition to the boat. Both will have their very own life vests in case one of them ends up in the drink!